Areas of Concentration and Lines of Research/Faculty

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Human Sciences at UFSC, linked to the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences, has as main objective to develop interdisciplinary teaching and research activities. Its activities at the doctoral level began in 1995, from the thematic convergence of a group of professors-researchers from the Departments of Social Sciences, Philosophy, Geosciences, History, Psychology. Nowadays, PPGICH has faculty members linked to the following teaching departments from UFSC: Anthropology, Social Sciences, Law, Philosophy, Geosciences, History, Psychology, Public Health, and Social Work. The Program is recognized by CAPES, having achieved score 6 (of 7) in its last evaluation. The program has three concentration areas: Human Condition in Modernity (CHM), Gender Studies (EGE), and Society and Environment (SMA). Admission occurs annually, and the doctoral candidates have the possibility of receiving scholarships from CAPES, CNPq and other partner institutions.

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Human Sciences (PPGICH) is part of Chamber II, Social Science and Humanities, of CAPES’ Interdisciplinary Area. As a doctoral program, PPGICH is associated to ANPPAS (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research on Environment and Society –, and is founding partner of ANINTER-SH (National Association of Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities –

AREA OF CONCENTRATION 1)Human Condition in Modernity (CHM) – Description: Area dedicated to the study of the various aspects of contemporary human condition, with emphasis as much on theoretical questions as on specific questions about social action and organization, from groups or individuals, in today’s world. It seeks to clarify and to comprehend the complex phenomena underlying the great dilemmas of Humanity in modern times, focusing on both globalization and its influence on technique and work, as well on the individual and group representations resulting from the ongoing sociocultural changes.

Lines of Research:
a)Modernity and Globalization – Description: Analysis of the political, social, and technical changes of contemporary society, from an interdisciplinary point of view. Analysis of globalization processes and of international relations, in the broad sense, and of the transformations of human condition due to modern science and technique. The new groundwork to comprehend and follow the trajectories of modernity and technological innovation, their impact on political actors and their possible social, economic and environmental consequences. The imaginary and the symbolic of various artistic manifestations (literature, plastic arts, photography, cinema, theatre, music, electronic art, architecture, and esotericism).

b)Evolution of Life and Health Sciences – Description: Analysis of the theoretical evolution of biological and biomedical sciences as well as of the various cultural, ideological and institutional context on which they developed themselves and applied themselves in integration with other practices. Studies about the history of medicine and medical thinking in general. Analysis of evolution and constitution of professions and institutions from the health area and other care areas linked to them.

AREA OF CONCENTRATION 2) Gender Studies (EGE) – Description: Interdisciplinary studies of historically, socially and culturally constituted discourses , about sexual differences – gender studies. It deals with themes like politics, sexuality, health, reproductive rights, work, family, generation, domestic violence, communication, homosexuality, identity, and subjectivity. It integrates the centers of gender studies from different departments and programs of the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences, in the exercise of interdisciplinarity, in order to stimulate research and to became a channel to disseminate works developed in this area.

Lines of Research:
a)Epistemology of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies – Description: The place of gender in the disciplinary fields of Human Sciences (Anthropology, Psychology, History and Sociology). The gender studies as an interdisciplinary field. Feminism and cosmopolitics.

b)Gender and its interrelations with generation, ethnicity, class – Description: Studies of relations between gender and sexualities in their multiple interfaces with other markers of social differences, like class, ethnicity and generation. Communication, media and art and their relations with imagination, imaginary and stereotypes. Gender studies and issues related to work, technology and consumption. The constitution of subjectivities in social interrelations. Homosexualities, heterosexualities, conjugalities, femininities, masculinities, paternities and maternities. Reproductive health and the interface between social sciences and health sciences. The gender relations in rural and urban social movements.

AREA OF CONCENTRATION 3) Society and Environment (SMA) – Description: Interdisciplinary study of socio-environmental issues. The debate about the globalization of risks and challenges about their governability, with highlight to theoretical and applied themes relating quality of life to environmental impact assessment, environmental planning, sustainable development, the role of science in analysis of environmental and technological problems and their ethical aspects.

Lines of Research:
a)Development, conflicts and public policies – Description: Sustainable development as an option for the management of urban and rural territorial management. Participatory development and management. Agriculture and environment. Rural and urban environmental conflicts. Evaluation of public policies related to environmental issues. Global environmental governability.

b)Consumption, Lifestyles and Ethics – Description: Modernity, globalization and consumption. Production, consumption and symbolism of food and other goods. Relations between consumption and lifestyles. Ethics and corporate responsibility. Ethics and global justice: scope and limits. Human rights and animal rights. The role of science in environmental management. Social construction of environmental and technological risks. Socio-technical networks.

AREA OF CONCENTRATION 4)Africa and its Diasporas (ASD) – Description: Comprises interdisciplinary studies about Africa and its diasporas, encompassing questions related to socio-political, identity and cultural formations in distinct local, national and transnational contexts. The aim is to understand colonial and post-colonial processes and products, based on a dynamic and integrated perspective.

Lines of Research:
a)Colonial and post-colonial political processes – Description: Studies of coloniality and post-coloniality with an emphasis on emancipatory processes and recognitions related to citizenship, labor, justice and rights.
b)Socio-cultural and artistic productions  – Description: Studies about the dialogical relations between languages, social voices, narratives and discourses, artistic and cultural manifestations. Education, social thinking and intellectual productions.