The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Human Sciences (PPGICH) is directly linked to the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). It is connected to the Prorectorate for Graduate Studies and integrates the Brazilian set of Graduate Studies, supported by two national research funding agencies, CAPES and CNPq. In this context, it is inscribed as a Doctoral program within Chamber II of CAPES’ Interdisciplinary Area.
In the last triennial evaluation by CAPES (2013), the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Human Sciences received, along with few other programs, the grade 6 (six), which was the highest grade in the interdisciplinary area – social sciences and humanities -, resulting in its insertion on the Academic Excellence Program (PROEX / CAPES).
CAPES and other national scientific bodies have awarded some of PPGICH dissertations– the last award was for the best dissertation defended in Brazil in the interdisciplinary area in 2013.
As part of the PPGICH academic faculty, as full professors or collaborators, we find researches from diverse Departments: Anthropology, Biology, Political Science, Law, Education, Philosophy, Geography, History, Psychology, Public Health, Social Work, Sociology.
PPGICH have been a Doctoral Program since its foundation, in 1995. Initially it was an Interdisciplinary doctoral program in Society and Environment; in 1998, it has become the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Human Sciences with two research areas: Society and Environment and Human Condition in Modernity. In 2000, a new area was incorporated: Gender Studies. Today, we have the following structure:
Concentration Areas/Lines of Research
1) Human Condition in Modernity (CHM): a) Modernity and Globalization (GM) b) Evolution of Life and Health Sciences (ECVs)
2) Gender Studies (EGE): a) Epistemology of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (EEIG) b) Gender and its interrelations with generation, ethnicity, class (GIRGEC)
3) Society and Environment (SMA): a) Development, conflicts and public policy (DCPP) b) Consumption, Lifestyles and Ethics (CEV)
The PPGICH has scientific and administrative responsibility for the Doctoral program by relying on teams and research centers that work primarily at the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CFH). On the other hand, PPGICH is associated with national scientific bodies, including the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Environment and Society (ANPPA – http://www.anppas.org.br/novosite/index.php) and is a founding member of the National Association for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (ANINTER-SH – http://www.aninter.com.br/).
PPGICH is one of the pioneer doctorates with an interdisciplinary approach in Brazil and is the only interdisciplinary graduate program in Human Sciences in the south of the country. At the beginning, we welcomed mostly students from the state of Santa Catarina, but in recent years, we have a growing number of students from other states of Brazil, as well as foreigners (mainly from South America). Our Visiting Fellowship Program has received students from Argentina, Italy and Poland.
In order to fulfill its task, the PPGICH not only contributes to qualifying future doctoral degree holders in the Human Sciences, but also regularly receives students from other graduate programs and from the community in general (the so called special students). The PPGICH also provides short courses on regular basis, and promotes several events during the academic year.
The PPGICH´s statutory structure comprises: the Coordination (coordinator and sub coordinator), the Program’s Council (coordination, representative faculty members and students) and the Scholarship Commission (formed by the coordinator, a representative faculty member and a representative student).
General aspects of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Degree
The program aims to achieve a threefold function: (1) Human Sciences teaching, (2) research and (3) applied knowledge (publications, lectures, short courses, participation in media).
The way to enter the Program is through an annual selection conducted by a set of six (06) faculty members representing the three research areas of the Program. In addition to a dissertation project and a curriculum proving the master’s degree, are requirements for participation in the selection process: the supervisor’s prior acceptance and a proof of knowledge in English. The selection process includes, in successive qualifying rounds, a written test of knowledge, consisting of general questions and specific questions on the chosen area; the approval of the dissertation project and evaluation of the curriculum presented; and, finally, approval in an interview with the selection committee.
During the first year, the doctoral student must also choose a co-supervisor, who must necessarily belong to a disciplinary area other than his/her supervisor’s. When the student chooses a supervisor, it means a greater engagement in the Program area and in the lines of research of the respective supervisor and co-supervisor.
The doctoral program requires completion of 03 mandatory courses of 06 credits each (Epistemology and Methodology of Interdisciplinary Research in Human Sciences; Theories of Society, Politics and Nature, and Theories of History, Culture and the Individual), besides credits in elective courses, totaling 48 credits. To fulfill this number of credits, the student is able to validate up to 16 credits in courses already taken in other strictu sensu graduate programs. The electives chosen for validation must be close to the areas and lines of research of the Program.
The students granted with a scholarship (CAPES, CNPq, FAPESC) must do a teaching internship under the guidance of their supervisors.
Students from other master’s and doctoral programs can also apply for the courses offered by PPGICH. If there are places available in a course, PPGICH also receives special students, provided that they obtain the consent of the course professor. Such special studentsare regularly enrolled in the course and are evaluated in accordance with the rules of the PPGICH. PPGICH does not accepted special students in the three mandatory courses.
The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Human Sciences also welcomes postdoctoral students and visiting scholars.