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1) When will the admission process be open?
The admission process happens once a year and the public call is published between the second half of November and the first week of December. The tests are on February and the course starts in March, according to each call. The prospective candidate must regularly access the website to check the publication of the call and the rules for admission.

2) How can I enroll in a single course?
In case you are not a regular student of the Program, you can apply for enrollment in a single course. For this, you should access PPGICH website, look at the semester’s courses, choose the one of interest, contact the course professor by email and ask for permission to be in the course. If allowed, you have to enroll by email, during the enrollment period established  on the academic calendar, sending to the Program Office your passport number (or CPF and RG), a copy of your undergraduate or master’s  diploma, and the enrollment form (available on our website). The enrollment will be conditioned to available places. It is not necessary to hand in any printed documents at the Program office.

3) I am a regular student. How can I enroll in a course from another Graduate Program?
You should ask permission to the course professor and forward the response along with your request to the PPGICH office, by email. It is not necessary to hand in any printed documents in the office.

4) I am a regular student from another Graduate Program at UFSC. Can I attend courses in PPGICH?
Yes. You just need to talk to the course professor asking for permission. After the response, you should apply forenrollment in your own Program. Every student must do their enrollments in the Program in which they are registered, always.

5) I will not attend any course this semester. Do I need to enroll?
Yes. The student must always enroll to maintain the link with the University. If you will not attend any course, you must enroll in “Dissertation Preparation”. This is also valid for students who are doing a Sandwich Internship in another Institution.

6) I have extended my study period and I will defend my dissertation really soon. Should I enroll?
Yes. The student must always enroll to maintain the link with the University. If you are not attending any courses, enroll in “Dissertation Preparation”.

7) I am abroad in sandwich leave. Should I enroll?
Yes. The student must always enroll to maintain the link with the University.

8) How do I enroll in the Teaching Practicum?
The Teaching internship is a different course, and the enrollment is not made online via CAPG. You must present the following documents to the PPGICH office for approval by the Program’s Council: 1. Teaching Practicum request form 2. Complete syllabus of the undergraduate course. 3. Your work plan for the undergraduate course, specifying the number of class hours under your responsibility.

9) Am I obliged to do the Teaching Practicum?
The internship is mandatory only for doctoral students who have a CAPES scholarship.

10) How do I receive the grade for the Teaching Practicum?
After completing the activities, the student must hand in to the Program office a report with the signature and grade from the supervisor professor, who is responsible for the course in which the internship took place.

11) Can I validate courses from my Master’s Degree?
Yes. The doctoral student can ask for validation up to 16 credits from previous master’s or doctoral degree. The course must have been attended less than 5 years ago. The Council of PPGICH will analyze the request and hear the supervisor. To request validation, the student must hand in the request form filled out and signed by the student and the supervisor. The sum of the credits should not pass 16. In addition, the student must attach the academic transcript or other official document to prove that they actually attended the courses, and the courses descriptions or syllabi.

12) What is the deadline to submit the proof of proficiency? How to submit it?
The English proficiency is mandatory and must be submitted at the time of the first registration. The second proof of proficiency must be delivered until 12 months after enrolling in the Program. This can be done by email or in paper copy, to the PPGICH office. No original document is accepted.

13) When must  I qualify?
The Qualifying Exam must be passed before the sixth semester after enrolling in the Program.

14) Why do I not have my grades yet?
The deadline for the faculty to submit grades is by the end of the subsequent semester of a course. As soon as the professor hands in the attendance sheet to the Program office, the grades are recorded. So, if you do not have your grade, probably your professor did not hand in the sheet yet. If your colleagues already have the grades and you don’t, contact the PPGICH office or the course professor to clarify the issue.

15) When should I submit the annual report? Is it mandatory for all students?
The annual report is mandatory for those who receive a scholarship from CAPES. It must be submitted until the enrollment period of the first semester of every year.


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