Postdoctoral Research

POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH is understood as research activities conducted by a doctoral degree holder within a Graduate Program at UFSC , accompanied by a supervisor. Holders of a doctoral degree, non-members of the University staff, who are able to integrally assume full-time activities within the PPGICH, may pursue Postdoctoral Research at the PPGICH. In admitting a candidate, the University is not obliged to provide material and financial resources for the execution of the research activities under the Work Plan of a candidate, limiting itself to provide already existing infrastructure in its Graduate Programs. A postdoctoral researcher will be linked to the University through the Graduate Program, and will be entitled to use library services, facilities, and goods and services necessary for the realization of his/her research. A postdoctoral researcher is not allowed to: exercise any administrative activities; be responsible for a graduate or undergraduate course or class; supervise a dissertation or thesis. The activities developed by a postdoctoral researcher will be carried out on a voluntary basis, in accordance with the Federal Law 9,608 of 18 February, 1998. In any case, admission of employment, remuneration, as well as compensations claimed due to any damages or losses arising from these activities will not be UFSC’s responsibility. Scholarship holders and public servants who are formally absent from their duties via a leave of absence do not need to sign the Volunteer Service Agreement.


Currently, PPGICH has three postdoctoral scholarships. This number may be modified at any time according to the availability of funds from the Federal Government. One scholarship is available per each Program’s area and it is awarded to a candidate who is selected in specific selection calls, according to the criteria established by the Program.
A candidate for the Postdoctoral Research position in PPGICH must formalize his/her request in a letter to the Program Coordination in the area of interest, indicating the line of research within which his/her activities will be carried out and submitting to the Program office the following documents:

I – Application Form duly completed and printed (available at:;
II – Acceptance Letter from a supervisor linked to the PPGICH;
III – Copy of the doctoral diploma with national validity;
IV – Curriculum vitae updated in the Lattes Platform (in the case of foreigners a printed curriculum);
V – Work Plan, containing:
a) summarized research project (max. 15 pages), including the activities implementation schedule;
b) teaching activities, if any;
c) the research period, which should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months and may be extended up to 4 times, 12 months each, with the consent of the Program’s Council and by detailed opinion of the supervisor.
VI – statement of an institution or company authorizing the absence to carry out the activities planned for the postdoctoral research, if the candidate is employed;
VII – proof of scholarship receipt from funding agencies or other sources, if the applicant has a study or research grant;
VIII – statement of financial ability to cover personal expenses and those relevant to carry out the research project, if the applicant does not receive a scholarship;
IX – volunteer work statement (if applicable).

NOTICE: activities of the Work Plan shall be held at UFSC, except for periods of data collection or technical and academic cooperation with other institutions. Holders of foreign doctoral degrees may be admitted upon recognition of their degree by the Program’s Council (recognition does not grant national validity to the degree). The diploma shall be presented with the Brazilian consular visa authentication, except for the cases supported by specific diplomatic agreements.

The Program Coordination Office will submit the candidate’s application process for approval in the Program’s Council. After approval of the Council, the process will be forwarded to the Prorectorate for Graduate Studies (PROPG) for registration in the Graduate Academic Registry (CAPG).


A candidate for the Postdoctoral Research position in PPGICH must formalize his/her request in a letter to the Program Coordination in the area of interest, indicating the line of research within which his/her activities will be carried out and submitting to the Program office the following documents:

I. Application Form duly completed and printed (available at:;
a) The applicant must fill in the research area and line of the Program to which s/he will be linked in the specific field of the form intended for this purpose.
II. Acceptance letter from the supervisor, stating the specific period of the research (day/month/year of start and end date) and the research area and line of the Program to which the project will be linked, as well as other relevant information, such as the receipt of grants from funding agencies or other sources, if applicable.
a) The supervisor shall be a permanent faculty member at the Program.
b) In the case of a “postdoctoral agreement”, the supervisor shall inform in the acceptance letter that the internship will be carried out under these conditions. In this case, the applicant is not entitled to obtain a certificate; however, the registration will be done in the same way.

III. Volunteer Service Agreement, duly signed by the Program Coordinator, the supervisor, the candidate, and witnesses. The candidate shall request the Agreement Form to the Program office, and shall leave the fields “day/month/year” blank, as they will be completed upon the signing of the agreement by the Rector.
a) The agreement will be signed digitally by the Prorector for Graduate Studies , once it is sent to the Scholarship Coordination Office (CBO/PROPG) for analysis.
b) The period to be registered in the agreement shall be minimum of 3 and maximum of 12 months and may be extended up to 4 times.
c) This agreement shall only be filled out by researchers who do not have a scholarship and/or are not civil servants.

IV. Updated Curriculum Vitae, generated by the LATTES Platform.
a) In the case of foreigners who do not have a Lattes Curriculum, a curriculum shall be attached in the same way as in the Lattes Platform;
V. Certified copy of the Doctoral diploma (front and back), issued by an institution with a Graduate Program recognized by CAPES.
a) If the diploma has not been issued yet, there should be provided records of approval of the doctoral defense.
b) The acceptance of the aforementioned records for candidacy to the postdoctoral program is to be assessed at the discretion of the Program’s Council and does not replace the later submission of the diploma.
c) The certificate of completion of postdoctoral research will be issued upon submission and inclusion of the candidate’s diploma in his/her digital enrollment process.
d) Doctoral diplomas issued abroad must have a Brazilian consular visa authentication, except for the cases supported by a specific diplomatic agreement.

VI.Work plan to be developed at UFSC.
a) The work plan should not exceed 20 pages, including the schedule of activities and the planned teaching activities, if any.
VII. Proof of scholarship receipt from funding agencies or other sources, if the applicant has a study or research grant, OR
VIII. Statement of financial ability to cover personal expenses and those relevant to carry out the research project, if the applicant does not receive a scholarship.
IX. Statement of full-time availability and exclusive dedication to the activities to be undertaken during the postdoctoral studies;
a) If the candidate is employed, a statement of the institution authorizing the full suspension of activities must be attached.
b) If the full suspension is not possible, a declaration signed by the candidate and the supervisor attesting the dedication of 40 hours to the postdoctoral activities shall be attached.
c) Statement of awareness of the institutions/companies regarding the postdoctoral studies, determining the candidate’s working days and workload.
X. Certified copy of identity card.
a) The CNH (National Driver’s License) is not valid.
b) In the case of foreigners, a copy of the RNE (National Registry of Foreigners) and passport must be attached.

Period extension:

1. Attach to the initial application process the documents listed below and submit to the CBO/PROPG:
2. Partial report of the activities carried out.
3. Supervisor’s acceptance of the partial report.
4. Work plan for the next period, with an implementation schedule.
5. New extension date (day/month/year of start and end date).
6. Extension request approval by the Program’s Council.
The candidate must provide all documents and submit them to the Program, so that appropriate prodecures may be taken, relating to the enrollment or extension.
Questions can be asked by email: and by phone (+55.48)3721.4788.